Creating an inviting and interesting worship service each week takes more than one person. It takes a team to keep the gears moving here at Butler United Methodist church. The ministries that facilitate worship include volunteers for:
Weekly Service:
Greeters – Welcome parishioners and give visitors the lay of the land
Ushers – Hand out the bulletins, direct folks and pass the giving plates.
Liturgist – Join the pastor on the alter to guide the parishioners through the service
Communion Steward – Set up and gathers volunteers for the communion service each month
Coffee Hour Host – Gather volunteers to make the coffee and set up the snacks for after worship fellowship
Sound Technician – Manage the sound board before and during worship
PowerPoint Technician – Drive the PowerPoint presentation through the worship
Counting Team – Count the collection plate after service
Acolytes – Light the candles as part of the service. Participation is reserved for our youth.
Extended Ministries:
Financial Ministry – Records the collection plate funds into record and manages the receivables
Board of Trustees – Governs the physical property of the church and gifts made to the congregation
Ad Council
Lay Leadership
Staff Parish Relations
Nominations and Lay Leadership