Church Blog (Page 3)

Extra! Extra! Read all about Butler United Methodist Church.  We are all about keeping you inspired to experience closeness to God.

Well-ness Words:  Mind, Body & Soul

June is a busy month for fathers, students with graduations, brides and grooms with weddings, vacation planning, and summer preparation for family and the church.  Congratulations to all!  In twenty days, it will be one year since we moved into the parsonage to serve Butler United Methodist Church and the Butler community.  How time flies! …

Well-ness Words:  Mind, Body & Soul

Mary Magdalene appears before the empty tomb at dawn and sees Jesus…Peter and the beloved disciple race to see that the tomb is empty…Thomas demands to see Jesus after missing his appearance before the other disciples…Two men walk to Emmaus, leaving behind hope.  They encounter Jesus on the journey and return to Jerusalem with joy,…

Well-ness Words:  Mind, Body & Soul

In preparation for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter, there is much to read, research, prepare, and pray to deliver at least seven sermons and reflections between Palm Sunday and Easter.  In chapter 26, verses 51-52, the Gospel of Matthew shares the story of a violent act that occurred during Jesus’ arrest: 51 Suddenly one of…

Well-ness Words: Mind, Body & Soul

We are related to each other. By taking care of myself, I take care of you. By taking care of you, I take care of myself. This is my prayer for knowing how to help. –Elena Brower Observe the image above.  Read the quote by Elena Brower. What draws your attention? What relation, if any,…

Well-ness Words:  Mind, Body & Soul

February is known to be the month of love.  While Christmas decorations are still up and 75% off, retail store shelves are packed with hearts of all shapes and sizes and heart-shaped boxes containing a variety of chocolates and candy.  Although a box of chocolates does not represent the love in one’s heart, the receiver…

Well-ness Words:  Mind, Body & Soul

The Simeon-Anna Model: A New Year’s Resolution Scripture reading from the Gospel of Luke 2:25-32; 36-38 In the passage from the Gospel of Luke, the third book in the New Testament, we know of a man named Simeon. Scripture says Simeon was a righteous and devout man, filled with the Holy Spirit. But Simeon had…

Well-ness Words:  Mind, Body & Soul

A migrant pregnant family journeyed to Bethlehem for census purposes and was denied a room to spend the night, only to find rest in a stable with animals and their aroma.  The unborn holy child knows rejection since and learns as he grows what it is to be chased out of every town he sets…

Well-ness Words: Mind, Body & Soul

Observe the image for a moment.  What do you see? At first glance, it may look like a dead leaf on a hummingbird feeder.  At least, that is what I thought it was when my husband Kevin called it to my attention.  I took a closer look and realized that “whatever that was” was alive. …

Well-ness Words: Mind, Body & Soul

 “Fall for Jesus. He never leaves.” Autumn, also known as fall, is my favorite season for the changes in the color of the leaves; the fresh, crisp air and apple cider (hot or cold) is my preferred beverage during this time.  Contemplative photography is one of my favorite spiritual practices.  Capturing images I can later…

Well-ness Words: Mind, Body & Soul

Someone asked what the letters CSD stand for after my name. CSD is the acronym for Certified Spiritual Director. And what is a Spiritual Director, you may ask? A spiritual director is not a mentor, counselor, coach, psychologist, pastoral counselor, or teacher. A spiritual director is someone who journeys with you in your spiritual journey…