The Music Ministry has many opportunities for people of all ages.   Whether it is singing, ringing, or playing an instrument we have a place for everyone to share their musical talents.

New members are always welcome in all the choirs… no experience or music reading skills are required.

Come join us as we sing and ring, and praise the Lord with music!

Adult Musical Opportunities


Wednesday 6:30pm – 7:45pm; Sunday 8:45am
This choir is geared towards adults looking to connect with God through song. This group practices on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings to bring the joy of music to our congregation. In addition to singing during the worship services, this group also joins other local church choirs to celebrate holiday seasons with a beautiful cantata.


Wednesdays 8:00pm – 9:00pm
The handbells are a beautiful and unique way to express your love of music. This group shares their joy for music a few times a year during worship service and plays on Christmas Eve and during Lent.

Hispanic Praise Band

This group provides the joy of praising Jesus through a small praise band. This group practices on Wednesday evenings and shares their love of music each week at the 11:30am Spanish Worship Service.

Youth Musical Opportunities

Rainbow Choir

Schedule is based on the availability of the children

This is a way for children under the age of 10 to learn about God through singing songs of our faith. This group will sing one to two times a quarter during worship.

Youth Choir

Schedule is based on the availability of the children

Provides an opportunity for youth between the ages of 10 and 16 to build confidence through singing about their faith.

Youth Chimes

Schedule is based on the availability of the children

This is another way for children under the age of 10 to explore music. Chimers are taught how to read music and ring hand chimes. This group will share music in worship a couple of times a year typically around Christmas and Holy week.

Youth Bell Choir

Schedule is based on the availability of the children

This choir is for youth ages 10 to 16 to introduce them to handbell ringing and techniques. This group will share music in worship a couple of times a year.

Additional Musical opportunities

Soloists (vocal or Instrumental) often share music during worship.

Small Bands have also assembled in our community and have performed during worship.

We are blessed to have many talented musicians of all ages share their gifts.  We always welcome members to share their gifts individually or as a group.