Well-ness Words:  Mind, Body & Soul

A migrant pregnant family journeyed to Bethlehem for census purposes and was denied a room to spend the night, only to find rest in a stable with animals and their aroma.  The unborn holy child knows rejection since and learns as he grows what it is to be chased out of every town he sets foot in, including his hometown because his kingdom is not of this world.  What a price to pay for us so that we may gain hope, peace, joy, love, and freedom, with life eternal as a bonus.  And He did so unconditionally, despite our sin.

We are in the Advent season, and we know that the baby in the manger wrapped in swaddled cloth grew.  At some point, perhaps when Jesus was 12 or 13, his parents lost him on the way home from the Passover Festival in Jerusalem.   In their desperate quest, they find Jesus in the Temple, learning and teaching, mesmerizing all who encounter him with his demeanor and wisdom. 

Mary and Joseph let Jesus know how upset they were in their three-day search for him.  Jesus’s reply that they should have known where he would be, in his Father’s house, may seem dismissive of their grief and anxiousness.  For Jesus, it was a reminder that “being found in appearance as a human, he [would] humble[d] himself and [be] obedient to the point of death—even death on a cross.” (Philippians 2).  After this incident, Jesus was also obedient to his earthly parents.

Our Advent sermon series, The Quest for the Manger Baby, will follow the lectionary readings where we will find hope, peace, joy, and love intertwined with the message and Advent Wreath’s messages.  Using a magnifying glass for our quest reminds us of our awareness during Advent (you will find a magnifying glass to keep in the Narthex of the Sanctuary).

Every Sunday, we will bring a journal entry on a card, a photo, or a magazine cutout that depicts hope, peace, joy, and love in action.  The goal is to collect each piece by December 18th.  We hope you join us this advent season and journey with us on the quest for the Manger Baby.

Have a blessed Advent season in preparation for the birth of Emmanuel, God with us, in our hearts.  Merry Christmas!

In the love of Christ,

Pastor Iraida